ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal |
European Academic Research |
This is to certify that our Editorial, Advisory, and Review Board Accepted Research
Paper of
Dr/Mr/Ms :
TORNE, Israel Gondres; SILVA, Rubem Silas Dias; CAMELO, Leonardo Yuto Suzuki; NASCIMENTO, Lennon. B. F.; PRINTES, André Luis; CARDOSO, Fábio de Souza; MARTINS, Karolayne Barbosa; SOBRINHO, Angilberto Muniz Ferreira; OLIVEIRA, Jozias Parente; GOMES, Raimundo C. Souza |
Topic:-Análise das Condições Elétricas e Mecânicas de um Motor de Indução Trifásico com a Implementação de Conceitos de Internet das Coisas |
Doctor, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Amazonas State University, Brazil; Student of Electrical Engineering at Amazonas State University, Brazil; Master, Professor of Electronic Engineering at Amazonas State University, Brazil; Doctor, Professor of Electronic Engineering at Amazonas State University, Brazil; Doctor, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Amazonas State University, Brazil.
] |
The Research Paper is Original and Innovative. It is Peer-Reviewed.
Dr.Ecaterina Patrascu |