European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Article Details :
Article Name :
New Approach of Performance Analysis of RLS Adaptive Filter Using a Block-wise Processing
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Publisher :
Bridge Center
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Abstract :
This paper presents an efficient implementation of adaptive filtering for echo cancelers for teleconference systems during single-talk situation. The problem of echo cancellation is recurrent for all modern communication systems. The general solution consists to estimate the room impulse response and reproduce the echo signal in order to subtract it from the received signal and then reduce its effect at the farend user side and consequently improves the conversation quality. Several types of adaptive algorithms exist in the estimation process. The most popular echo canceler (EC) uses Least Mean Squares (LMS) or Recursive Least Squares (RLS) adaptive filter. In practice, the choice of an algorithm must be made bearing in mind some fundamental aspects: - Faster convergence in the presence of large variations in the far-end speech: the acoustic echo cancellation system must provide an echo reduction of about 24 dB for delays lower than 25 ms and of about 40 dB for delays exceeding 25 ms. - Reduced computational complexity algorithms. The literature shows that the RLS algorithm is more efficient than the LMS algorithm. It allows to reach an echo reduction of 46 dB which is large enough than the required threshold. Moreover, it presents a faster convergence compared to the LMS algorithm during single-talk situation. However, the implementation of the RLS algorithm applied to acoustic echo cancellation system has shown the disadvantage of requiring a strong computational complexity. To reduce the computational cost of this algorithm, we propose a new version of the RLS algorithm based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and on the recursive operation over a block of N samples instead of one sample. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a faster adaptation convergence, during single-talk situation, and reduce considerably the hardware resources needed for the implementation and the execution time in terms of N.
Keywords :
Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Adaptive Filter, Adaptive algorithm, LMS Algorithm, RLS Algorithm.

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