European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Article Details :
Article Name :
Nuruddin Farah’s Women: A Challenge to Somalian Patriarchal System
Author Name :
Publisher :
Bridge Center
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Abstract :
Somalian society is exorbitantly patriarchal in structure, thereupon unrelentingly atrocious and unjust in its dealings with women. It is one of the hellacious places for women to live in. In Somalia women are subjected to many heinous crimes like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), rape, and objectification. The rights and freedom of indigenous women are plundered and unjustly compromised. The rights of women are fobbed off by men in Somalia through the agency of manifold repressive institutions and exploitative ideologies like polygamy, clannish attitude, male chauvinism, and dictatorship. Somalian women are in double-bind, on the one hand, they are subjugated and suppressed by the internal patriarchy and on the other they are abused and wronged by the dictatorial governance. The most inhuman and humiliating treatment meted out to women in Somalia is forced marriage or what we call wife -barter. This is exemplified in a situation whereby a girl is coercively given out in marriage without her due consultations. In some cases women barter is likened to sales of horses, cattle or even goats; young girls are treated like capital assets or commodities and are bartered off for the worth of domestic animals. This brutal patriarchal and feudalistic code makes women chattels in their society. There is an outright resistance by women against this exploitative patriarchal social setup. Women in Somalia are now rebelling against the patriarchal power structures in order to liberate themselves and their posterity from the shackles of this patriarchal subjugation. The article proposes to show in the light of the two novels: From a Crooked Rib (1970) and Sardines (1981) how Nuruddin Farah contests the female oppression in Somalia and how he contrapuntally projects the resistance of women against the patriarchal codes of their society. How they out-rightly defy the patriarchal supremacy of the Somalian culture.
Keywords :
Patriarchal, Essentialised, Chauvinism, Polygamy, Double-bind, Power structures, Repressive, Ideologies, Exploitative, Women.

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