European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Article Details :
Article Name :
Protection of Personal Data and Security of Information. The Challenge of Kosovo Institutions that do not Endure the Institutional Vacuum
Author Name :
Publisher :
Bridge Center
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Abstract :
Data protection and information security are two operations and two separate streams that have for target: information security (SI), data protection (DP) in general and personal data protection in particular (PDP). Now, in the MDG and SI efforts, there are many study papers, there are various initiatives. In terms of legal protection of personal data and information security there are; conventions, directives of various international acts. Through the various national regulatory acts, efforts are being made every day to cover and monitor the use of cyber-machine, during processing and transfer of data in the form of information, finalized for use by the users; inside and outside the country. This is due to the fact that: information technology such as processing, the Internet as transferring machinery and the use of social networks as collaborative tools in mobile devices have become a permanent threat to the violation of personal data privacy and information security. Through this paper, we intend to give a modest contribution to this topic, delicate and of interest to us all; as computer users, internet, and social networking in our daily lives.
Keywords :
Personal data protection, information security, data subject, controller, and misuse of data on the social networks.

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