European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Article Details :
Article Name :
Dimensionamento do Projeto Estrutural de Fundação Rasa do Tipo Sapata Utilizando a Metodologia de Velloso e Lopes para um Residencial Unifamiliar em Manaus – AM
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Publisher :
Bridge Center
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Abstract :
The choice of the Sapata foundation for this residential project, which was the cause of research in this work, was made based on the study of the soil adapting and matching the requirements exposed by Velloso and Lopes for the elaboration of the same, showing all the cost / benefit importance for execution. This research has a qualitative content, since it does not involve people, and only bibliographical research was used, in which theories and theorists that approached the subject were studied: Shoe Foundation. The method is explanatory, because its main objective is to verify by means of theories the importance of this type of foundation, as well as its correct dimensioning. We can conclude that the best type of foundation is the one that supports the loads of the structure with safety and is adapted to the topographic factors, soil mass, technical and economic aspects, without affecting the integrity of the surrounding constructions.
Keywords :
Foundation. Sapata. Residential project

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