European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Article Details :
Article Name :
Popes An Essay on Man. Man is a Mighty Maze! But Not Without Plan
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Publisher :
Bridge Center
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Abstract :
The present study is an analytical one deals with Man, his position in the universe, his relation to God and other creatures according to the idea of Chain of Being. Popes poem "An Essay on Man", in which Pope describes Man as a Mighty Maze! But Not Without Plan", has been elaborately discussed, based on Popes point of views. A brief resume of Pope as a main figure in the Eighteenthcentury English literature is given, with some ideas of his distinguished works. The Scriblerus Club, the famous literary club formed by the prominent figures of the Eighteenth- century English literature is treated. The study sheds light on the on Eighteenth century as a traditional period in English literature. The importance of the age is that it is the age of scientific ideas and the experimental methods. In addition, it is the age of enlightenment. The poem has been elaborately discussed, concentrating on Man and his importance in the universe, depending on Popes philosophy on Man. The study depicts Mans strengths and weaknesses, his place in the Universe according to the Chain of Being, his relation to God and Mans limited power. Man lacks the power of controlling his age, the acts of God, and his inability to control his means of living. Thus, the study tackles mans mystery as a mighty maze.
Keywords :
Man, Pope, Epistle, God

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