European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Article Details :
Article Name :
Fatores relacionados a não adesão da população maior de 18 anos ao esquema vacinal em combate ao Covid-19, na zona rural do município de Autazes em 2021
Author Name :
Társis Héber Mendonça de Oliveira, Graicy Elly Moura da Silva, Kethelen Carvalho de Oliveira, Leilane Reis Teixeira, Neidiane de Oliveira Lima, Mayana Silva da Silva
Publisher :
Bridge Center
Article URL :
Abstract :
Non-vaccination does not support contributes to the high rate of community transmission causing the severe form of the disease in more susceptible people such as riverside and indigenous people, and consequently the high demand for care in health centers, hospitals and ICUs. The research was developed through the Qualitative and Quantitative Approach, conducting a questionnaire with questions related to factors related to non-access of the population older than 18 years compared to the covid-19 vaccination schedule. Twenty-one users of the health service were interviewed, between 08:00 and 17:00 hours of 13/04/2022, which the sample quantity is equivalent to an average of 35% of people who did not adhere to the vaccination scheme in combating Covid-19, registered in the Family Health Team (ESF) of a given community in the rural area of Autazes. This study detailed several factors that contributed to the vaccine hesitation of covid-19 of this community, which, the non-vaccination includes several complex situations related to information or lack thereof, in this research, although the selection of the sample is random and non-probalistic, 100% of the interviewees refused to adhere to the Covid-19 vaccine, with questions and justifications related mainly about the efficacy of the vaccine and its short study time.
Keywords :
Vaccine hesitancy; Covid-19; Countryside; Pandemic.

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