European Academic Research ISSN 2286-4822
ISSN-L 2286-4822
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value : 5.9 (B+)
Past Manuscript List:
Volume:  XI Issue:  XI Of  February,2024
Influence of herbicides and seed rates on growth and yield for bread wheat and associated weed
Ammar Salah Al-jaddir, Salim H. Antar

Aplicação de Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias na Resolução de Problemas com Modelagem
Antônio André Pereira de Sousa, David Olivindo Xavier, Francisco Eidas Ponte dos Santos, Erick Jansen Duarte Cavalcante, José Rodrigues Neto, Monalisa Lopes da Cunha, Luzitelma Maria Barbosa de Castro

Digitisation of Information Materials in Academic Libraries in Nigeria: A Case Study of University of Cross River State Library, Calabar, Cross River State
Ekanem B. E. Eyo, Catherine O. Elemi

Degradação Térmica dos Compostos Químicos Presentes no Suco Clidemia Hirta. (Buxixu)
Thiago Monteiro Maquiné, Marcia Cristina Gomes de Araújo Lima

Tourism, Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Causal analysis for the Balkans
Zhaklina Dhamo

The Law of the Empires, International Anarchies against International Law Review: A Philosophical Analysis
Rortha Chum

The Impact of Agricultural Growth on the Economic Growth of Saudi Arabia during 1995 -2021
Abu Elgasim Abbas A bow Mohammed, Dalia Kamal Alnagar

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